COACHING Y PSICOLOGYST - David de Cubas :: Faculty :: esim

Psychologist as a profession but enthusiastic and entrepreneurial by nature. I consider myself a proactive person, with good communication skills and leadership skills. My true passion is seeing how people find strategies in their personal abilities to level up, regardless of age and circumstances.

We have been talking for some time about adolescence as a great stage in the evolutionary development of a person.

Nowadays many teenagers need to know more about the way they feel and think. Knowing who they want to BE and who they don't want to BE are part of the questions they need to solve.

In my work experience, I have worked in several highly responsible positions, all of them related to people's health and education. I have always sought proactivity in my work and I have been strengthening my interpersonal relationships with all the people I have worked with as well as overcoming the adversities that life has thrown at me.

I am in constant training and learning is one of my passions. I have trained at prestigious universities such as Harvard, IE Bussines School, University of Valencia and the San Vicente Mártir Catholic University of Valencia.