PIANO - Marie Lavandera :: Faculty :: esim

Graduated from Higher Artistic Education in Music in the specialty of Interpretation from the “Salvador Seguí” Higher Conservatory of Music in Castellón (Valencia), where she obtained Honors in Piano and the highest grades in the final degree thesis titled: Comparison between the musical phenomenology of Sergiu Celibidache and the materialist philosophy of music of Vicente Chuliá in its application to musical interpretation (2019). Likewise, she graduated from the “José Iturbi” Professional Conservatory of Music in Valencia in the specialty of Piano, from which she graduated with an Honor Award in the instrument.


Throughout his professional career he has received classes from pianists Guillermo González, Andreas Frölich, Josu de Solaun, Adolfo Bueso, Leonel Morales, Xavier Torres Cuenca and Michel Bourdoncle, among others. He has performed concerts as a solo pianist and as an accompanying pianist in various halls and auditoriums nationally and internationally; and premiered works of contemporary Spanish music for the COSICOVA association, especially by the composer Salvador Chuliá Hernández (1944), as well as Spanish music from the 17th-18th centuries rescued by the musicologist Mr. José Climent Barber, specifically, by the composer Vicente Rodríguez Monllor.


Since 2018, he has shown interest in the philosophical aspects of music as a result of his classes with Vicente Chuliá Ramiro, who puts him in contact with the philosophical system of Philosophical Materialism of Gustavo Bueno. In 2020 he obtained a Master's Degree in Musical Research and Performance from the International University of Valencia with the thesis An approach to the keyboard sonatas of Vicente Rodríguez Monllor from the perspective of Philosophical Materialism. Epistemological and noethological analysis. Since then and to date he has participated as a speaker in the XVII Philosophy Course of Santo Domingo de la Calzada (La Rioja), organized by the University of La Rioja, with the theme "Sonatas and theorems"; at the School of Philosophy of Oviedo with the lesson: "Constitutive criteria of the idea of ​​Substantive Art by Gustavo Bueno"; at the 5th Interdisciplinary and Virtual Conference on Arts in Education (CIVAE) with the presentation: "Philosophical considerations of the principles of piano teaching by pedagogue Heinrich Neuhaus (1888-1964)" (Madrid: Adaya Press, 2023); and at the III International Congress on Educational Innovation and Trends (INNTED), presenting a critical study on the insertion of Artificial Intelligence in composition classrooms" (Madrid: Dykinson, 2023).

Marie Lavandera is an Associate Researcher at the Gustavo Bueno Foundation and director of its “Philosophy of music in Spanish” section. He also coordinates and is part of the Editorial Committee of the Yearbook of Philosophy of Music. Currently, she is studying a Doctorate in Art: Production and Research at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and is a professor and head of the Piano department at the «Centro Authorizado Liceu de Música Ciutat de Mislata» (Valencia), as well as Piano teacher and Accompanying Pianist at the «International Higher School of Music» (ESIM).